Policy Statement

1. Ringette Canada recognizes that participation in the sport of Ringette bears some inherent risk of head injury and concussion. Ringette Canada is fully committed to maintaining the health, wellbeing, and safety of its participants and recognizes that short-and long-term consequences of concussion pose a significant public health issue. Safety is a top priority for those participating in the sport of Ringette.

Objective, Purpose and Scope

2. The purpose of this Policy is to create a safe and positive Ringette environment through education and training, to make Ringette Canada Members and Participants aware of evidence-based resources to assist in recognizing and managing a concussion injury.
3. This Policy applies at all times wherever a Ringette Canada activity takes place, including Ringette Canada, PTSO or affiliated association/club workplaces and external locations in Canada and abroad, and includes all events and activities sanctioned by Ringette Canada or the PTSO. This Policy document focuses primarily on Prevention and Surveillance of concussions, and supplements the Concussion Protocol, which covers the areas of Awareness (education), Detection (recognition), and Management.
4. This Policy applies to Ringette Canada, its Members, and Participants.



5. Ringette Canada expects all governing bodies to:

a. be dedicated to reducing incidence of concussions and their impact through commitment
to education and enforcement of the rules. See supporting documents below.
b. ensure adherence to the Ringette Canada Concussion Protocol (the “Concussion
c. direct all team coaches, trainers, safety personnel, and staff to adhere to Ringette
Canada’s Ringette-specific Return to Sport strategies and Return-to-School (if applicable)
as a minimum standard in managing concussion injuries .
d. determine appropriate discipline for any club, team or individual who knowingly
disregards their responsibility of requiring a Medical Clearance Letter permitting an
athlete to return to sport following a concussion.


Concussion Prevention

6. The incidence of concussions can be mitigated by the proper implementation of prevention
strategies. Ringette Canada encourages the prevention of concussions using sound education
programs and enforcement of the rules of the game.

Prevention strategies include, but are not limited to:

● Ensuring Ringette Canada’s I-CARE Values and True Sport fair play and respect principles
are a cornerstone in our educational programming and carried out in all levels of training.
● Ensuring penalties for intentional contact and/or head contact are called in the game.
● Ensuring penalties for contact from behind are enforced.
● Education of all participants on prevention and recognition of head injuries.
● Responsible concussion management and return to play.
● Ensuring that equipment fits well, is in good condition, is stored properly, and is replaced
according to manufacturers’ instructions.
● Ensuring fair play and respect for opponents are ethical values that are instilled in all
sport, recreation and physical activities carried out by the organization.


Concussion Awareness

7. Ringette Canada recognizes the increased awareness of concussion. Ringette Canada will make
concussion resources available to all members, including this Policy and the Concussion


Concussion Detection and Management

8. The Concussion Protocol will be implemented at all Ringette Canada sanctioned activities and
events in case of a suspected or diagnosed concussion.


Concussion Surveillance

9. Ringette Canada, and its Members, will determine appropriate methods to collect and maintain
data regarding suspected concussions, concussion diagnosis, and return to play. Data will be
reported in an aggregated format without personal identification of any individuals.
10. Data collected will be used to monitor changes in injuries over time, inform prevention st


This Policy is subject to review at least once every 3 years.

Date of last review: August 2024

The publication of Ringette Canada policies will be in the English and French languages.
In the case of conflicting interpretations, the English version will prevail.