
  1. The following terms apply to this Policy:
    1. “Diversity” – the presence and integration of a variety of individuals with different personal characteristics, particularly Under-Represented Groups, in a group or organization
    2. “Equity” – fairness afforded to individuals with diverse personal characteristics regardless of those characteristics
    3. “Inclusion” – acceptance of individuals with diverse personal characteristics into a group or organization regardless of those characteristics
    4. “Individuals” – All people by, or engaged in activities with, Ringette Canada including, but not limited to, athletes, coaches, referees, officials, volunteers, managers, administrators, committee members, directors of Ringette Canada.
    5. Under-Represented Groups – Under-Represented Groups include women, children in low-income families, Indigenous people, people with disabilities, newcomers to Canada, and members of the LGBTQ2 community.


  1. Ringette Canada is committed to encouraging equity, diversity, and inclusion, in its administration, policies, programs, and activities. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that Ringette Canada provides Under-Represented Groups with a full and equitable range of opportunities to participate and/or lead as part of the organization.


  1. Ringette Canada will:
    1. Support equity, inclusion, and inclusion for Under-Represented Groups


  1. Ringette Canada is committed to creating and supporting programs that address equity, diversity and inclusion issues in sport. Ringette Canada will:
    1. Ensure that the achievement of equitable opportunities is a key consideration when
      developing, updating, or delivering Ringette Canada’s programs and policies
    2. Ensure that individuals from Under-Represented Groups have no barriers to participation in Ringette Canada’s programs, training, and coaching opportunities
    3. Create and support new programming that specifically addresses equity, diversity and inclusion
    4. Monitor and evaluate the success of its equity, diversity and inclusion programming
    5. Fund programs and services equally
    6. Encourage Under-Represented Groups to act as role models for young participants
    7. Create special opportunities to advance the number and levels of women in coaching and officiating
    8. When planning educational sessions, consider the balance of equity, diversity and inclusion of the presenters.

Staff, Board of Directors, Committees

  1. Ringette Canada will:
    1. Strive to achieve gender balance in the appointment of all committees, task forces and other decision-making or decision-influencing bodies, and in seeking nominations for and appointments to the Board
    2. Include gender equity as a stated value that is accepted and promoted on nominating and selection committees
    3. Develop, update and deliver all policies, programs and services ensuring the concerns and needs of Under-Represented Groups are identified, promoted and supported
    4. Deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour according to the Code of Conduct and Ethics and Discipline and Complaints Policy

Media Relations

  1. Ringette Canada will:
    1. Strive to ensure that Under-Represented Groups are portrayed equitably in promotional materials and official publications, and that gender-neutral language is used in all communications
    2. Produce all written and visual materials in a gender-inclusive manner
    3. Develop a communication plan that strives to give media visibility to Under Represented Groups
    4. Use gender-appropriate or gender-neutral language and positive, active visuals in all publications, graphics, videos, posters and on websites

Human Resource Management

  1. As part of its commitment to the use of equitable human resource management practices,
    Ringette Canada will:

    1. Adopt, when possible, work practices such as flex-time, job-sharing and home-based offices
    2. Provide a physically accessible workplace environment
    3. Ensure a non-smoking environment
    4. Use non-discriminatory interview techniques
    5. Provide opportunities for all staff to advance to senior decision-making levels and receive equitable remuneration
    6. Publicly declare Ringette Canada to be an equal opportunity employer and respect and implement the principle of pay equity in relation to salaried and contract employees
    7. When appropriate, make available access to resources

Ongoing Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

  1. Ringette Canada understands that one key element to being a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable organization is to incorporate equity principles. These should be in all strategies, plans and actions of the organization, whether they relate to technical programs, operations, business management, sponsorship, marketing, media or communications. Ringette Canada resolves to incorporate equity concerns in its own strategies, plans, actions, and operations on a continuing basis.


  1. Ringette Canada will continually monitor and evaluate its equity, diversity and inclusion progress.

This Policy is subject to review at least once every year

Date of last review: March 2022

The publication of Ringette Canada policies will be in the English and French languages. In the case of conflicting interpretations, the English version will prevail.