The purpose of this Policy is to allow Ringette Canada the flexibility to implement Ringette Canada’s National Direction for Return to Ringette strategy without conflicting with the organization’s existing policies and procedures.
This Policy was adopted by the organization’s Board of Directors on September 15, 2020.
This Policy will automatically be rescinded when Ringette Canada announces entering ‘Progression 4’ (lifting of restrictions and resumption of regular participation) per the National Direction for Return to Ringette.
As of the date of adoption, listed above, the Organization suspends and/or varies all of the Organization’s existing rules, policies, or procedures that may be in conflict with implementing the National Direction for Return to Ringette.
When there is a conflict between the National Direction for Return to Ringette and the Organization’s existing rules, policies, or procedures, the National Direction for Return to Ringette will take precedence.
The Board of Directors (and volunteer or staff designates, when applicable) has the jurisdiction and authority to implement the National Direction for Return to Ringette even when a conflict with the Organization’s existing rules, policies, or procedures occurs and may take steps to resolve any conflict by prioritizing the National Direction for Return to Ringette.
The Organization will make every effort to communicate to all affected stakeholders when and how an existing rule, policy, or procedure is being suspended or varied in order to implement the National Direction for Return to Ringette. Any lapse in communicating a suspension or variance does not invalidate the suspension or variance.
Complaints and Appeals
A suspension or variance of an existing rule, policy, or procedure must:
Be made in good faith;
Be communicated to stakeholders (whenever possible); and
Be related to the implementation of the National Direction for Return to Ringette.
If a member or stakeholder believes that a suspension or variance of an existing rule, policy, or procedure has occurred and has not met the three criteria, listed above, the member or stakeholder may make a complaint to the Organization per its policies for complaints.
The Organization pledges to first attempt to resolve any complaints by alternative dispute resolution (such as mediation, compromise, further explanation, or altering the suspension or variance). Any complaints not resolved by alternative dispute resolution may be resolved by using the Organization’s policies for complaints and disputes.
The implementation of this Policy, and the suspension or variance of an existing rule, policy, or procedure, may not be appealed.