Workback Schedules and Event Timing
There are many moving pieces when planning a Come Try Ringette event, so it is important that planning begins early. We have created a detailed workback schedule (available for download below) alongside provincial and local associations to support the planning process. When reviewing this workback schedule, it is important to remember that each association is unique, so the planning process will look slightly different for everyone. Your association’s timeline will depend on many factors, including your promotional strategies, the number of volunteers you have and the number of events you plan on hosting.
When going through the workback schedule and planning your event, it is important to remember that while your association will be leading the event, you will also need support from your provincial association to have them sanction your event and to support having it posted to the Come Try Ringette website, and send you the participant giveaways for your event. With that in mind, please make sure that you allow time in your planning process for your provincial association to help you with these tasks.
Download the workback schedule
In terms of the timing of your event, it is up to your association to select when running a Come Try Ringette event would work best for you based on your association’s resources and schedules. However, based on discussions with provincial and local associations, events held in the early Spring (March and April) and late summer (July and August) are often preferred as they align with the end of the season and the registration periods for upcoming programs.
- If hosting an event in the Spring, consider if and how the event could be integrated into existing ringette activities (for example, end-of-season tournaments). Running a Come Try Ringette at the same time as a tournament can be a great way to get moms and siblings who are already at the rink to try ringette!
- Look to see when other associations in your region are hosted their Come Try events. If possible, avoid hosting your event at the same day or time as another association in your region as it will limit the participation at both events. Ideally, events are a bit staggered, so that participants have more opportunities to try ringette.