Frances Losier

“As the daughter of the local ringette association president, I was ‘voluntold’ into many roles growing up. From player, to coach, to official, to timekeeper, to tournament volunteer, I had seen and done it all before choosing a career path. After graduating from Laurentian University’s Sport Administration (SPAD) program in 2006 I was fortunate enough to land a gig with Ringette Canada. Fresh out of school and keen and willing I was ready do whatever it took to bring this great sport of ours to the next level. I was so amazed by the fact that I could make a career out the sport I love. Having now worked for Ringette Canada for 10 years (as Technical Director, Sport Development Director and Director of High Performance and Events), I have been fortunate enough to take part in many Canadian Ringette Championships, Canada Games and World Championships. Although the glitz and glamour of these major events might be the obvious choice for a career highlight, for me the people I have met and the relationships built along the way are by far the best parts of the last decade. I have colleagues that have become close friends, I met my husband at the 2008 CRC and have shared the emotions of competition struggles and triumph with athletes from across the country. The moments shared, the lessons learned and the memories created will forever be a part of who I am. The sport of ringette has shaped the person I have become.” – Frances Losier (Kapuskasing, ON)

Territory acknowledgement

While we are a proud Canadian organization, we acknowledge that our head office is located on traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People, and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Ringette Canada extends our respect to all First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples for their valuable contributions to this land. We are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.

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c/o House of Sport, RA Centre
2451 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON K1H 7X7

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