Lorrie Horne

“I grew up on a farm near Olds, Alberta and I’ve been playing and coaching ringette for 34 years, including two years in the Finnish National League. I love the game because it has provided me with countless opportunities for personal growth, first as an athlete and then as a coach. I have been fortunate to work with many mentors who have helped me to learn to coach and lead on both the domestic and international stages. I learn something new every day when I have the privilege of skating and working with the finest young athletes in the country. I’d have to say that a highlight for me has been working with the national team athletes over the years. It has been both exciting and rewarding to watch each athlete realize that they can achieve excellence on their journey. In 2002 I was the head coach when Canada’s senior team won gold and more recently I have coached the 2015 and 2017 junior teams to back to back world championships. It’s an exceptional experience to be a part of an environment in which I can watch the athletes push their limits and grow as both athletes and individuals. Another passion of mine over the past twenty years is working with local grassroots up-and-coming athletes and coaches with my Future Champions programs, where I work with teams in the community to teach fundamental skill development. Sport has been kind; it is my hope that all members of our community have the same opportunities that I have been so fortunate to have.“ – Lorrie Horne (Sherwood Park, Alberta)

Territory acknowledgement

While we are a proud Canadian organization, we acknowledge that our head office is located on traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People, and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Ringette Canada extends our respect to all First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples for their valuable contributions to this land. We are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.

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c/o House of Sport, RA Centre
2451 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON K1H 7X7

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